Kane County Office of Emergency Managment Helps Scouts with Merit Badge
Kane County Connects Staff 3/2/2023 7:00AM
Recently, the Kane County Office of Emergency Management (KCOEM) helped a local boy scout troop complete the requirements for a merit badge by inviting them to take part KCOEM’s Search and Rescue training.
Here is the email sent to Kane County Board Chair Corinne Pierog praising the outreach effort by OEM. Thank you KCOEM for all you do. Learn more at www.kcoem.org.
Dear Madam Chair - Ms. Pierog,
I would like to thank you very much for allowing Kane County's Office of Emergency Management to conduct its Search & Rescue training courses to the public. This past weekend we had 28 Boy Scouts and 15 leaders go through the field portion of the training in order to complete the merit badge requirements.
Beth Drendel was our point person throughout this process, is very passionate about the services and great with the kids. She presented to our Troop last October and then organized at least 8 volunteers to come in on a Sunday morning to wrap up the outstanding action items.
The training was very thorough, demonstrated the level of details involved and the boys learned a lot about the overall process. The scope of your capabilities and level of professionalism is tremendous.
This is a great service that you do for the community so wanted to let you know how thankful we were for the opportunity to learn more about it.
Also, a special thank you to Beth for seeing this through to completion.
Best regards,
Derran Smith
Assistant Scoutmaster
BSA Troop 13
St. Charles, IL