Show Us How Much You Love Halloween, Kane County
Kane County Connects is excited to announce our Halloween decoration photo event! We want to see how much you love Halloween in Kane County, so submit a picture of your spooktacular decorations or seasonal landscape for others to admire in an upcoming edition of the Kane County Connects newsletter. Our team will pick the best of the best and publish them for all to see. Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your creativity and Halloween spirit. Follow this link to submit your picture before the season is over. https://laserfiche.kanecountyil.gov/Forms/capture-kc
Oct 3 2023 Thank you Kelly Klemencic of North Aurora for sharing a photo of your impressive Halloween decorations in the glow of an eerie overhead moon.
Oct 5, 2023 Thanks to the Long family from North Aurora for sending us photos of their canopy of spiders and the purple glow surrounding their front yard decoration.
Oct 10, 2023 Spooky Playhouse! We found a decorated playhouse in Geneva that home to a friendly skeleton. He looks a little too welcoming!.
Oct 12, 2023 This is a serious "boneyard" spotted in front of a home in Kane County.
Oct 17, 2023 Thank you to William Vokoun of Big Rock for capturing this working skeleton and what appears to be a hearst and then a longer shot of the street in the evening. Spooky indeed!
Oct 19, 2023 Thank you to Amanda Rathe of South Elgin for the picture of her home decorated for Halloween. Especially appreciate the headless horsemen just to the side of the front door. Yikes! Wonder if he is missing from the nearby Village of Sleepy Hollow!
Oct 24, 2023 Volleyball anyone?
Oct 26, 2023 These are all hand carved pumpkins in front of 723 Lexington Drive in Geneva.
Oct 31, 2023 Thank you to our own Rachel Santora for taking this pictures of a home in Batavia that seems to have an obsession with creepy clowns. Well done!
Click on each picture below to see a larger version.