Kane County Government Center Flags Lowered in Honor of K-9 Hudson
Kane County Chair Corinne Pierog has ordered the flags at the Government Center Campus in Geneva, lowered to half-staff June 1, 2023 in honor of the service and heroism of Kane County Sheriff K-9 Deputy, Hudson.
Kane County Sheriff Ron Hain says K-9 Hudson died in the line of duty on May 24, 2023 during the attempted apprehension of an armed suspect at the intersection of Fabyan Parkway and Randall Road in Geneva.
“We are saddened by the loss of K-9 Hudson who was fiercely loyal in his duties to protect his fellow deputies and the citizens of Kane County," said Chair Pierog. “Hudson's bravery and sacrifice is recognized, respectfully, as a fallen officer. On behalf of the Kane County Board, we extend our deepest sympathies to the Sheriff's Office."
According to the Sheriff's Office, the 4 1/2-year-old Dutch Shephard served in the narcotics detection unit and was utilized in more than 100 tracks of criminal offenders and missing persons during his short career. He was also responsible for the apprehension of several violent offenders while protecting not only his handler, but other Deputies and members of the public. As part of his many jobs, Hudson helped locate numerous articles of evidentiary value for ongoing investigations.
Along with multiple law enforcement personnel and first responders who reported to the scene on May 24, the County also extends its gratitude to the men and women of the Kane County Office of Emergency Management and KaneComm, the County's 911 dispatching center, for their critical actions.
Flags will remain at half-staff through the day of service for K-9 Hudson on June 1, 2023.