From the Desk of the Northern Illinois Food Bank
Kane County Connects Staff 6/28/2022 12:00PM
In the last three months, Northern Illinois Food Bank has been serving approximately 25% more neighbors from the beginning of the fiscal year (last summer), showing the impact of the pandemic is not over for our community. The end of some pandemic benefits and increase in inflation and cost of food and fuel is causing more financial strain on our neighbors.
Our biggest challenge remains having enough of the nutritious food and the variety of food our neighbors want. Government food received has declined from 38 million meals last year to an estimated 10 million meals this year and we are seeing decreased food donations from manufacturing. We continue to invest more in purchased food, about double our investment from pre-pandemic, which will equate for 25% of our total distribution this year.
We are always grateful to our neighbors who are able to give - whether it be monetarily or with time volunteering, and we are committed to be a resource for every neighbor who finds themselves in need of assistance.
Learn more at www.solvehungertoday.org/.