State’s Attorney’s Election Complaint Line Open For June 28 Primary Election
Kane County Connects Staff 6/27/2022 7:00AM
Kane County State’s Attorney Jamie L. Mosser encourages voters who observe or experience voting problems or irregularities on primary election day, June 28, to call the Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office to report the problems at (630) 208-5328.
This would include anyone who witnesses possible illegal election activity such as electioneering, illegally placed campaign signs or denial of voting rights at any of Kane County’s 291 voting precincts.
The election complaint line will be open until 7 p.m. on June 28, 2022.
It is not for election questions, such as polling times and places.
Assistant State’s Attorneys will take the complaints and are prepared to travel to polling places to ensure compliance with state election laws.
This complaint line is for Election Day only.