Big Rock Ready to Roll on Major Economic Stimulus Project
The Village of Big Rock is set to receive $1.9 million dollars from the State of Illinois for a critical storm sewer upgrade. The long overdue infrastructure project is expected to spur economic growth along Rt. 30, improvements residents have sought for decades.
The project includes the construction of a 36" to 48" diameter pipe from the village to Welch Creek along Rt. 30. Currently Big Rock's commercial/industrial corridor runoff flows to a depression that is served only by an agricultural drainage system and causes severe flooding.
The lack of sufficient drainage has impacted Big Rock businesses, residential property and farmland which in turn has reduced the economic viability of the area, limiting potential growth of tax revenue and job creation.
By upgrading the storm sewer system, Big Rock leaders believe commercial property along the Rt. 30 corridor will become more attractive to future employers and foster continued growth of its agricultural economy.
The Kane County Environmental and Water Resources Department and Office of Community Reinvestment continue to assist the village, township and drainage district in administering the funding, design and bidding process associated with the project.
Big Rock is home to the 128-year-old Plowing Match which is regularly attended by upwards of ten thousand visitors who use Rt 30.
Back in 2013, village residents listed flooding and drainage problems caused by inadequate infrastructure and the lack of a commercial and industrial tax base among the top issues in need of priority attention.
Funding for the project in Big Rock comes from the State's Rebuild Illinois Public Infrastructure (RIPI) Capital Program.