New Signs Enhance School Bus Safety in Campton Hills
As students across Kane County return to school, motorists traveling around the Village of Campton Hills are receiving an important alert about school bus safety.
New signs have been installed by the Kane County Division of Transportation on both sides of Kings Mill Drive along the two lanes of Burlington Road (see map), warning drivers that it is illegal to pass a stopped school bus from either direction when the stop arm is extended and the red lights are flashing.
It’s hoped the large signs, topped with eye-catching orange flags, will address a growing safety concern related to speeding and drivers who disobey the law by ignoring stopped school buses.
Campton Hills Police Chief James Levand says that each school year, patrols are placed on Kings Mill to monitor traffic heading west on Burlington Road.
“Like clockwork, drivers pass by the stopped bus one after another as kids are getting on and off,” he said.
He emphasized that motorists caught ignoring the law regarding stopped school buses will be ticketed.
Up to five students live on Kings Mill Drive, near the intersection of Burlington and Corron Roads in Campton Hills.
“These signs are set in place for the safety of our community,” said Village President Barbara Wojnicki.