CASA Kane County Launches 2023 Annual Holiday Giving Program to Bring Joy and Support to Children in Foster Care
CASA Kane County, a leading advocate for children in the foster care system, is thrilled to announce the commencement of its Annual Holiday Giving Program for the year 2023. This heartwarming initiative combines both a festive item collection and a vital fundraising/donation drive, aiming to brighten the holiday season for children in need and provide ongoing support throughout the year.
The CASA Kane County Holiday Giving Program focuses on ensuring that every child in the foster care system receives a special gift during the holiday season. The program also serves as a platform for year-end giving, inviting individuals and businesses to contribute cash donations, gift cards, items, or host collection drives. The overarching goal is to make a positive impact on the lives of children who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect and entered the foster care system.
Items have been collected by local companies, community groups, service organizations, neighborhoods, families, friends, and individuals who want to help make a difference in the life of a child during the holidays. One woman who organized a collection was in foster care as a child and told us how much it meant when her foster parents brought home items collected from community organizations like CASA. She specifically remembers receiving a multi-pack of hoop earrings she really wanted for Christmas that year and how excited she was to open it. She said it's a privilege to be able to give back to children in foster care now, so they have the same opportunity she did to experience joy this holiday season.
CASA Kane County staff collect and organize all the items, and then display everything for the volunteers to come and select appropriate items for the children on their cases. Some gifts are pre-wrapped by these community groups with the age and gender of the child on the outside for a quick, “grab and go," and others are arranged by child age, type, and item category for easy selection. There is a wide range of toys, games, puzzles, books, and teen items available to meet the needs of every child served.
“I am humbled by the generous outpouring of support we've received from our community. When you walk in the door of this event, you immediately feel the magic of the holidays. We are truly blessed and immensely grateful to everyone who has contributed to this county-wide effort." ~ Jim DiCiaula, CASA Kane County Executive Director.
Interested parties are encouraged to participate by making a cash donation or providing gift cards for this year's event. To provide additional items or to host a collection drive in 2024, please contact Natalie Bohner at NatalieB@casakanecounty.org. All items must be new, as CASA is unable to take anything used or gently used. Direct monetary contributions can be made securely through the 2023 Holiday Giving campaign page: https://casakaneco.harnessgiving.org/campaigns/12380
Funds raised through the Holiday Giving Program will be instrumental in providing Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA Volunteer) to each of the 640+ children in care this year. These volunteers play a crucial role in ensuring that every child has a trusted adult advocating for them throughout their journey until they find a safe, permanent home.
Additionally, financial gifts can directly support various needs, ranging from hygiene packs to child safety equipment and even special experiences like birthday parties or driving lessons for older youth. CASA Kane County believes that with the community's support, they can collectively "Change a Child's Story."
This holiday season, CASA Kane County invites everyone to be a part of this transformative initiative. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, has the power to make a significant difference in the life of a child in foster care. Help us advocate for the voice of these children and make their holidays and the year ahead a bit brighter.
For more information, please contact Natalie at NatalieB@casakanecounty.org.
CASA Kane County is a nonprofit organization that trains and supervises Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers who advocate for the best interests of children who have experienced abuse and neglect. Last year, more than 200 CASA volunteers served 100% of cases originating in Kane County (and a record 613) children who were fostered in Kane as well as many other counties. For more information, please visit https://casakanecounty.org/.
CASA Kane County is currently seeking VOLUNTEERS! To learn more, visit the organization's website at www.casakanecounty.org or call 630-232-4484.