Kane County Board Adopts Fiscal Year 2023 Budget
Kane County Connects Staff 11/23/2022 6:00AM
The Kane County Board approved a balanced Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 budget on November 22, 2022. The County budget pays for core services such as courts and public safety, transportation, health services, environmental resources and economic development.
The total budget for Kane County is $393,892,412, a decrease of 1.8% with a General Fund budget of $123,162,000 and a tax levy of $33,453,014.
The FY2023 budget does not include an increase in property taxes for the County’s portion of the tax bill.
“Our staff worked diligently to hold the line on spending and find solutions to make the services and programs the County offers more cost-effective, user friendly and environmentally responsive,” said Kane County Board Chair Corinne Pierog. “This budget returns $2.5 million back to our property owners.”
The Kane County Board voted not to increase the tax levy, except to account for new construction.
To achieve a balanced budget, the County Board voted to use $16,322,405 in reserves.
Included in the FY2023 budget is a 3% wage increase for non-union county workers and $900,000 in equity adjustments for county departments to address the difficulty of hiring and retaining staff as private sector pay and wages in surrounding counties continue to climb.
The budget also includes $3,151,133 for new positions, seven which were added in 2022 and 30 potentially to be hired in 2023 to assist the offices of Kane County State’s Attorney, Sheriff, Court Services, Judiciary, Circuit Clerk and Public Defender implement the state’s mandated justice reforms included in the State’s Safety, Accountability, Fairness and Equity-Today (SAFE-T) Act.
Individual property tax bills may still change depending on how a property’s assessed value has changed relative to changes in assessed values of other properties and based on the actions of other local government taxing bodies, including school districts.
FY2023 begins on December 1, 2022.