Drainage Project Causing Intermittent Closures of Fox River Trail
Kane County Connects Staff 7/19/2022 9:00AM
A drainage improvement project is underway through Friday, July 29, along the Fox River Trail in St. Charles and will cause intermittent trail closures.
Forest Preserve District staff will be installing a new culvert under the trail as well as drainage basins on the sides to improve the flow of water and prevent erosion along the edge of the linear trail.
The work is being done along the Fox River Trail at Tekakwitha Woods Forest Preserve in St. Charles, between Villa Marie Road and the Fox River.
There will be brief trail closures at times with the culvert installation, but the trail will be open in the evenings.
The Forest Preserve District of Kane County asks trail users to obey all signs and barricades, and to always use caution when traveling past trucks and equipment on the trail.
Signs will be posted on the trail at both ends during the projects, to alert trail users.
For more information on the Forest Preserve District of Kane County, visit www.kaneforest.com or find the District on social media by searching @forestpreserve.