Old-fashioned Independence Day Fun on Monday, July 4th in Aurora
Kane County Connects Staff 6/26/2022 11:00AM
Aurorans can participate in old-fashioned Independence Day fun on Monday, July 4, from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Tanner House Museum, 304 Oak Avenue in Aurora’s historic Tanner District.
There will be a petting zoo, Andy Head- the Wild Wacky Juggler, a blueberry-pie-eating contest, the Bradley Keven Green blues trio, traditional kids’ games, a concert by the American Legion Post 84 band, free tours of the 1857 Tanner House and hot dogs, old fashioned sodas and Oberweis ice cream at nominal cost.

At precisely 1 p.m. children present will ring the historic bells on the lawn in observation of the tradition begun by President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
Members of the Aurora Noon Lions Club will observe their 100th anniversary and the Cosmopolitan Club of Aurora will invite visitors to celebrate their 95th anniversary.
Admission is free, but visitors are invited to contribute to the “Tomorrow’s Landmark” project that will fund the purchase of a Catalpa tree to replace the old Maple that was recently lost to age and disease.
The schedule of the day includes:
- 11 a.m. -blues music on the front lawn, tours of the house, games and picnic
- 12 p.m. -Andy Head the Wild Wacky Juggler, also tours and picnic
- 12:45 p.m.- remarks by Cosmopolitan Club and Noon Lions
- 1 p.m.- 55th annual Ringing of the Bells by the children of Aurora
- 1:05 p.m.- patriotic concert by American Legion Post 84 band
Information provided by Mary Clark Ormond with the Aurora Historical Society.