Message From the City of Aurora on the Passing of Fred Rodgers
Kane County Connects Staff 1/30/2023 9:00AM
The Passing of an Aurora Icon and Institution
is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Fred Rodgers.
A fierce champion and advocate for youth, he died early Saturday
The City of Aurora’s first-ever Youth Services Director, Fred served our community in that distinguished role for nearly twenty-five years. He built an award-winning, nationally recognized youth department that positively influenced and perpetually impacted the lives of tens of thousands of Aurora children.
Even well into retirement these past few years, Fred provided his insight on youth issues and would often reach out to City Hall to offer advice, guidance, and gratitude.
Fred Rodgers was an Aurora icon and institution.

The Fred Rodgers Magnet Academy in East Aurora School District 131 bears his name and represents his unyielding commitment to our youth and their future.
Fred left an indelible mark on Aurora and a proven blueprint for service and advocacy for us all to follow.
May he rest in peace.
- Mayor Richard C. Irvin
Source/City of Aurora Media Release